Back2Life is a file recovery tool that allows you to recover erased files in a snap. The program offers two scan methods: Fast Scan, which finds erased or lost files and folders, and Deep Scan, which scans formatted or corrupted disks. What is great is that you can set filters, specifying the parameters of the files you wish to recover. For instance, you can filter files by file type, size, text contained in them, attributes, and dates. Even without including any filters, the program proved to scan very fast and it detected all the erased files from the date the operating system was installed. You can easily recover one file or folder or all of them with a click of a button just by selecting the destination path. Besides, advanced users will surely appreciate the HEX view of files and their properties that may help them recognize the ones they wish to recover more easily.
What is more, the application features a nice and intuitive user interface, which can be used by anyone.
In short, I would definitely recommend trying this application that will allow you to recover all your lost files in a matter of seconds.